
Innovative and spontaneous: Plan your fall meeting 2023 with us

Fall 2023 is just around the corner, planning for the fall meeting and Kick Off Events 2024 is in full swing and many companies are looking for a suitable location for their next meeting. At many conference hotels and event locations, the meeting and conference rooms are already fully booked. But before the stress level rises and the search for alternatives becomes chaotic, take a moment and let us, the professional team of the MICE Service Group, support you.

Refreshing New Seminar Hotels & Meeting Venues

This is not just about a room with tables and chairs. It’s about fostering the creative and innovation process in your company. We believe that innovation and creativity are the oxygen for any business. In today’s world of constant transformation and enormous challenges, meetings need to be more than just discussion sessions. How about meeting in a creative space or even a ball pit? Yes, you read that right! Immerse yourself in a colorful world and look at your challenges through a child’s eyes. Some progressive meeting hotels like the Hotel Krone Churwalden already offer such “children’s playrooms” for creative workshops.

Do you know what’s even better? We have the right trainer for your workshops!

LEADING MINDS – A New Approach to Meetings

The future brings many challenges – ESG, sustainability, climate change and more. It’s time for companies to recognize these challenges and adapt. They want knowledge transfer at the highest level. To meet the challenges in the new world of work and entrepreneurship, they need especially well-qualified MINDS. Leading Minds, who reach the participants with their expertise, knowledge, enthusiasm and visions. A modern walk’n talk with employees or customers or perhaps an impulse lecture with an in-depth workshop afterwards? Whatever you need, we have it.

Fall meeting? Don’t panic, we’re here for you – on short notice!

Have you rescheduled your meeting or just been too busy? Don’t worry. At MICE Service Group, we offer businesses and organizations a perfect one-stop solution. Whether short or long term, our MICE experts and meeting planners are ready to assist you at any stage. And yes, we can do short term too!

Classic or hip? We adapt!

Every company is unique. Some prefer classic meetings, while others are looking for something new. Whether you prefer top-notch service or self-service, top-notch prepared or impromptu, we’re flexible and can provide exactly what you’re looking for.

Contact us today and let’s work together to plan refreshing and innovative meetings for your success.

Our Partners

If you are looking for a suitable conference hotel as well as a fittingly speaker and much more – one-stop-shopping at our expertise network.

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